Oct 17 2011


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October 19, 2008
The village is really starting to liven up despite the muddy roads caused by recent rains.  Homeowners and shopkeepers are busy getting ready for the upcoming season.  It's almost time to start "the season!"

Hope you enjoy the reading,

SayulitaLife.com Webmaster (email)

P.S.  Remember, you can read all past interviews and Sayulita News articles on the SayulitaLife.com News page
On October 10th, Greg Pearce and Dr. Bill Eich, (owners of Los Afortunadosrestaurant) made another trip to the Salud with an oversized suitcase of medicines and equipment from doctor friends of theirs in the San Bernardino area. This contribution included many more glucose monitors and assorted diabetes related medicines. All 35 of the previous monitors have been distributed to those in need and these new gifts were readily accepted.  Our new Doctora, Nayade Hermosillo, accepted the supplies and was very thankful for the assistance.

When asked what other sorts of things she needed, Hermosillo mentioned ear and eye inspection scopes and of course medicines such as antibiotics would be greatly appreciated. Anybody with the ability to transport goods from the USA or Canada for the Salud here in Sayulita is welcome to drop them at the restaurant (Los Afortunados) and Greg will insure that they are given to the Dra. for free distribution to patients in need. Samples, leftovers and out of date supplies or equipment would all be greatly appreciated.

El 10 de octubre Greg Pearce y el doctor Bill Su (propietarios de Los Afortunados restaurante) hizo otro viaje a la Salud con una maleta oversize de medicamentos y equipo médico de los amigos de los suyos en la zona de San Bernardino. Esta contribución incluye muchos más monitores de glucosa y una variedad de medicamentos relacionados con la diabetes. Todos los treinta y cinco de los monitores anteriores se habían distribuido a los necesitados y estos nuevos regalos fueron fácilmente aceptadas. Nuestra nueva Doctora, Nayade Hermosillo, aceptó la oferta y fue muy agradecido por la ayuda. 

Al preguntar qué otro tipo de cosas que necesitaba, Hermosillo mencionó en oídos y ojos ámbitos de inspección y, por supuesto, los medicamentos como los antibióticos fueron muy apreciados. ¿Alguien con la capacidad para el transporte de mercancías para la Salud es la bienvenida a gota en el restaurante (Los Afortunados) y Greg asegurará de que se les da a la Dra. para su distribución gratuita a los pacientes que lo necesitan. Muestras de restos y la fecha de los suministros o el equipo que todos serán bienvenidos.
Author Don Miguel Ruiz to speak at Escuela Del Mundo
By Lindsay Walter

Don Miguel Ruiz, a world famous author, will be giving a presentation at the Escuela Del Mundo in San Francisco on Tuesday, October 21st 2008. Don Miguel Ruiz is the author of such books as the Mastery of Love, the Voice of Knowledge, Prayers,and the most popular of all his books, The Four Agreements, which has remained on the New York Times Best Seller list for eight years. All books are based on the Toltec philosophies and the wisdom he has learned from his elders in Mexico. Don Miguel Ruiz combines new insights with old wisdom in his teachings. This is a rare opportunity to meet and experience a speech made by a master teacher and spiritual guide.

The Escuela Del Mundo's doors will be opening at 4:30pm on October 21st. There is a suggested donation of 200 pesos that can be made directly at the school's entrance. All donations collected will go towards the Escuela Del Mundo's Scholarship Fund. The school's director, Glades Huizar, hopes to give out 10 scholarships to local children who would like to attend Escuela Del Mundo, but don't have the financial means. Also, scholarships will be given out as an incentive to children who show academic achievements. The Escuela Del Mundo School is located behind the Plaza De Toros, near the town entrance. Reservations are required and capacity is limited. Please email Glades Huizar atgladeshuizar@gmail.com to make reservations for this event.

Don Miguel Ruiz, un famoso escritor de fama mundial, se presentara en la Escuela Del Mundo, ubicada en San Francisco, Nayarit, el martes 21 de octubre del 2008. Don Miguel Ruiz es autor de los libros: La Maestría Del Amor, La Voz Del Conocimiento, Oraciones, y su libro más popular, Los Cuatro Acuerdos, el cual ha estado en la lista del New York Times, como uno de los libros mas vendidos durante los últimos ocho años. Todos sus libros están basados en la filosofía tolteca y la sabiduría que ha aprendido de los viejos maestros en México. Don Miguel Ruiz combina la perspicacia moderna con la sabiduría antigua en su enseñanza.  Esta es una excelente oportunidad de conocer y escuchar una presentación hecha por un gran maestro y guía espiritual.

La Escuela Del Mundo abrirá sus puertas a las 4:30pm el 21 de Octubre. La donación sugerida para esta obra es de $200.00 pesos que se puede entregar directamente en la entrada de la escuela. Todas las donaciones recibidas serán destinadas como becas para los estudiantes de la Escuela Del Mundo. La directora de la escuela, Glades Huizar, espera otorgar 10 becas este año a niños locales que quieren asistir a la escuela pero no tienen los medios económicos. También otorgara becas como incentivos a niños que han destacado por sus logros académicos. La Escuela Del Mundo esta ubicada atrás la Plaza de Toros, cerca de la entrada al pueblo. Se requiere reservación y el cupo es limitado. Favor de escribir al correo electrónico de la directora Glades Huizar,gladeshuizar@gmail.com para hacer reservaciones.

By Colin Barnet
Unlike Forest Gump the children of the Bertha von Glumer Kindergarten needed no encouragement to "run" during their Sports Day. For a few hours on Tuesday October 14th the baseball field was turned into a mini Olympics for the kindergarten aged boys and girls. An obstacle course plus sprint and relay races were organized by the staff and teachers for the children who, with determination etched on their faces, participated with gusto. A highlight for the children was cheering on their teachers in a closely run relay, and parents also featured with eight mothers taking part, but when it came to the fathers important meetings and old injuries were suddenly remembered and only four "Padres" could be cajoled into competing.

A diferencia a Forest Gump de los niños de la Bertha von Glumer Jardin des Ninos no necesitaba el estímulo a "corre" durante su Día de los Deportes. Por unas horas el martes 14 de octubre el campo de béisbol se convirtió en una mini Juegos Olímpicos de la edad de kindergarten los niños y las niñas. Una carrera de obstáculos más sprint y relevos carreras fueron organizadas por el personal y los maestros para los niños que con la determinación grabada en sus rostros participaron con gusto. Un destaque para los niños fue animando a sus profesores en un termina de cerca de relé, y los padres también figura con ocho madres que participan, pero cuando se trata de los padres a reuniones importantes y antiguas lesiones fueron de repente y recordar sólo cuatro "los papás" podría ser cajoled en la competencia.
3.  Born in Sayulita?  I was born in Las Varas, Compostela Municipality. My father Juventino Perez Padilla is from Jalisco State and my mother Blanca Estela Ruiz Arreola is from the area of San Juan de Abajo, here in Nayarit. They lived in Las Varas when I was born. When I was one year old they decided to come to Sayulita, and so we did. I have lived here since then.    4.  Education level: I studied kinder-gartden here in Sayulita and also attended the elementary school; at that time we didn't have a secondary school here in town so we had to go to San Pancho to study. When I finished secondary I left to Puerto Vallarta to study high school in the CBETis 60. There, I studied industrial maintenance.  5.  Family history & information:  I live with my own family. My wife Lourdes is from San Pancho, my daughter Brenda (12) who studies secondary here in Sayulita and my son Joel Omar (6) studies attends the Sayulita public school. 6. Employment/business history: I began working when I was 15, helping a teacher to fumigate. This particular teacher offered me a job because my family didn't have money for me to study. My parents told me if I wanted to study I had to work,  When I was 18, I started working as an electrician in Puerto Vallarta where I worked at Hotel Eloisa which is in Playa Los Muertos.  I had an accident and I almost lost my life so I quit that profession. Afterwards, a man who transported seafood offered me a job as driver, where I worked there for 6 years. I started working in construction when I was 26, as an electrician. One day Don Vicente Perez (La Fiesta owner) asked me if I wanted to learn about construction. Everything I know, I learned form him. Later on, I started to work for myself and now I am completely self-employed. 7.  One positive change you have seen in Sayulita? The increase of tourists here in town has helped the economy to improve. Now we have more tourism during the entire year.  Just a few years ago Sayulita only experienced tourism a few months a year.  8.  One negative change you have seen in Sayulita. A negative change I have seen in town is that local people are divided because of political interests. This is not good for anybody and because of these conflicts, interests we are being left behind in public projects. As an example more than half of the streets here in town are still dirt track, many of them are not passable during the rainy season. 9. How do you imagine Sayulita in 10 years? I imagine Sayulita will be much bigger. I think the real estate is going to get stabilized and there will not be as many much sales as there has been in recent years. I belive the prices are going to stabilize as well. Sayulita may have big hotels. Drug use will become a larger unless the government takes more drastic measures. 10. Do you have a recommendation for the people of Sayulita? All of us that live in Sayulita need to get together to make a better and cleaner town for our children. Also, teachers need to strenthen themselves as pillars of the community.  Their work is invaluable. Citizens and government need to work together to create a better future.
Thanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.
SayulitaLife.com Webmaster
Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico