Jan 16 2011

Grupo Pro Sayulita Meeting Report

Date:  1/10/2008
Time:  7:00PM – 8:00PM
Place:  Caiman Restaurant
Attendees: 16

Attendees were welcomed by the President, Marcos Scott, and everyone was invited to sign in and introduce themselves.

Agenda Items:

 The Meeting Agenda was reviewed and additional items were added.

Decision was made regarding the posting of the minutes.  The minutes will be posted on our website, www.prosayulita.org, on SayulitaLife.com, and on the window and bulletin board of the Grupo Pro Sayulita office.                                   

Report given by Marcos Scott on the meeting with the Municipio President this week:

Prioritizing roads for paving: The primary purpose of the meeting in Valle this week was to hear the Municipio’s current plan on additional road paving in Sayulita.  The total amount of pesos to be allocated to Sayulita for paving roads will be decided in the next month or two.  The President said that the amount may not be enough for all the roads that need paving and people may want to help pay to pave.  In order to prioritize the list of roads to be paved, the Municipio is interested in Sayulita’s choices. To help in that process, Grupo Pro Sayulita has formed a committee to design a method of prioritizing which roads should be done first and at what cost. Marcos will then present this information at a town meeting and then the town’s recommendations will be presented to the President.  The Municipio will make the final decision.

Committee Members: Marcos Scott, Jackie Whiting, Cap Sparling 

New Malacon: The Municipio wants to build a new Malecon along the north side of our river between the bridge and the ocean to showcase this part of our town which has been treated poorly over the years. The architect for the project is the same one that designed the beautiful Tecero Edad Center near the Salud, so this should be an excellent addition to Sayulita.

Zoning: The Municipio is the process of reviewing existing zoning and will then make changes as needed. Marcos Scott said that Sayulita will eventually have to hire an “expert” to design and present Sayulita’s zoning desires for approval, first to Grupo Pro Sayulita, then the town of Sayulita, and finally the Municipio. To help in that process, Grupo Pro Sayulita has formed a committee to review and make recommendations for changes to the existing zoning.

Committee Members: Cap Sparling–Chair, Harvey Craig, Bucky Slater. Marcos Scott will help as needed and Javier Oliva has offered to get a copy of the plans that were developed by the Preserve Sayulita Zoning Committee a few years ago.   Anyone who would like to join them can contact Cap at cap@sayulitarental.com.  

The President also reported that the Municipio will be establishing a security module in Sayulita this year.  It will have space for various police agencies and a lawyer to take statements.

Cultural House Revival: The Cultural Center is in disrepair and is not being used by the town.  The President said the he would be happy to consider a proposal from Sayulita on how they would like to use that building.  To help in that process, Grupo Pro Sayulita has formed a committee to review and make recommendations for repair, maintenance and use of the Cultural House.

Committee Members: Cyndy Jones-Co-Chair, Janice Rothrock-Co-Chair, Gary and Jennifer Culp.  Anyone who would like to join them can contact Janice by phone: 322-168-9172 or RothrockCrossing@gmail.com.

 The status of current projects was reviewed:                                         

Bumper stickers/Decals:  There are 600 Sayulimpia stickers/decals available at various locations in town including the Grupo Pro Sayulita office, Colores and Las Hamacas.  The hope is that every car in town will have one. The price for tourists is 50 Ps but they are free to locals.  Grupo Pro Sayulita stickers/decals are on order.

Recycling: Tracie Willis went to Ixtapa to inquire about recycling and visited a private group that is recycling cardboard, plastic bottles, aluminum and glass. They will supply us with as many large nylon bags to gather the items and they will pay us (or interested groups such the schools that want to raise money) $1.70 Ps per kg for plastic, $0.60 Ps per Kg for cardboard.  Other prices are not known at this time.

Committee Members: Janice Rothrock-Chair, Tamra Koch, Adriana Martin del
Campo, Tracy Willis, Connie LaCroix.  Anyone who would like to join them can
contact Janice by phone: 322-168-9172 or RothrockCrossing@gmail.com.

Garbage Cans:   Marcos Scott reported that the first 9 of the 40 garbage cans we ordered have been delivered.  All 40 cans need to be painted, drilled, and have handprints and decals applied.  The funds to purchase the new garbage cans are being provided by Ian and Kerry Hodge of SayulitaLife.com

      Committee Members: Richard Jones-Chair, Cap Sparling, Sharron Simpson.
Anyone who would like to join them can contact Richard at dicynd@comcast.net.

Public Bathrooms: New public bathrooms are being built on the east side of the baseball field on Calle Manuel Rodriguez Sanchez.  Kenny Dahle reported that the foundation has been laid for the new bathrooms.  The existing perimeter wall will come down once the construction of the bathroom walls is started.  The bid of $65,000 Ps covers the foundation, walls, ceiling, and sanitary rough-in.  An estimate is still needed to finish the bathroom interiors with stall dividers, toilets, urinals, sinks, mirrors, and miscellaneous items.  Kenny volunteered to source the rest of these materials.  The funds for this project are coming from those collected two years ago for the Wastewater Treatment Plant as this is a WWTP related project.

Bus parking:  In conjunction with the public bathroom project, the area in front of the public bathrooms is being converted into a bus stop.  The area will be paved, shaded, and have a waiting bench.  Funding will be needed to complete this part of the project.

Kenny Dahl reported that he has a plan for moving the night parking of the buses from in front of the new public bathrooms on Calle Manuel Rodriguez Sanchez to a more remote location.  He will report more on this at a later date.

Fundraising: Multiple fund raisers are being planned for this year and next.  Our annual event is again being planned for late February or early March.

Committee Members: Cyndy Jones-Chair, Ronn Landsman, Micki Cunningham,
Jackie Whiting, Janice Rothrock. 

Other new business:  Kenny Dahle said that the manhole cover in front of Chacon’s Fish Store is broken and needs to be replaced.

Late Report: Marcos talked to Lazaro after our meeting.  Lazaro said that the broken manhole covers will be replaced with steel manhole covers, purchased by the Municipio, as they have replaced the current one three times already.

Funds are needed for all the projects listed above as well as others in the planning stages.  Contributions are needed from homeowners and business owners in order to make these things happen.  The group has opened an account with HSBC and information on how to make a contribution will be forthcoming shortly.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.