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Hi Everybody,
Thanks to your contributions and attending our events, Sayulita has a new garbage truck that is fully paid for and is owned by our association. Although we have had the truck for more than two weeks, we needed to wait for the Municipio to insure it and to sign the agreement with our group regarding the management of the truck and the responsibilities of each party. This has now been done and we look forward to a new era of cooperation between our town (represented by Grupo Pro-Sayulita, A.C.) and the Municipio de Bahia de Banderas.
In the picture attached, meet our crew from left to right Gustavo, Oswaldo and Orlando. Uniforms are coming soon. They have rakes, gloves, plastic bags, etc so that they are prepared to do their job. The crew is being paid by the Municipio but directed by us. We are responsible for its movements. Besides their regular duties of maintaining the Sayulimpia trash cans and collecting garbarge from the hillside neighborhoods, these guys are mandated to actually clean up trash where they see it. This is a new concept in trash management for Sayulita. Our commitment is no more eyesores in our pueblo. You will notice a much cleaner town that we all can be proud of. If anyone sees garbage strewn in any part of Sayulita just call 291-3523 and they will come and clean it up. That’s your investment at work. Please be generous in tipping the crew. We want them to stay motivated and for our town to be an example of cleanliness to all of Bahia de Banderas and Mexico.
This is just the first of many projects that Grupo Pro-Sayulita has in store for the town of Sayulita. The other part of this year's commitment is dust control. This is a terrible health hazard as well as a visual nightmare in Sayulita. Contrary to popular belief, there are solutions to this problem although they are somewhat costly. The long term solution to the problem is cobblestoning all the streets in Sayulita. This is our medium term goal. In the interim we will be able to use the treated water from the new WWTP to water the dirt roads and wash off the paved and cobbled roads. We will need to hire or buy a small tank truck to do this. We are continuing to look into the use of ecologically friendly dust control agents as another interim solution to the problem too. This phase of our 2007 project is, as yet, not funded so we urge all homeowners, full and part time residents, to dig deeply to help fund this essential, quality of life issue. Our commitment is, as always, to get the best possible result for your investment. We guarantee that you will see results so that your investment in Sayulita pays off to the max. See below for the ways to make your contribution to Grupo Pro-Sayulita, A.C.
Marcos Scott
Grupo Pro-Sayulita, A. C.