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January 2, 2009
Greetings 3,962 online Sayulero readers,
Happy New Year Everyone,
Sayulita has been joyous, festive, and running at full capacity for the last 10 days. Sunbathers usually lay claim to the beaches by about 10 AM. Restaurants are breathing a great sigh of relief now that waiting lines are forming around 7 PM. Merchandise shops are reporting the best sales week so far this season. All-in-all, everyone in Sayulita seems to be having an incredible Holiday Season. Even the garbage haulers have great smiles on their faces despite the 300% more garbage they are removing from our streets on a daily basis.
Spread the love in 2009 everyone and keep on smiling!
Hope you enjoy the articles below,
Ian Hodge | Webmaster (email)
Remember, you can read all past interviews and Sayulita News articles on the News page
Whales off the Sayulita Coastline
By: Colin Barnett
One of the simple timeless pleasures of Sayulita is enjoying the relaxing view out over the ocean, and during time of year, chances are good that you will be treated to the sight of migrating Humpback whales.
During November to February, the whales leave their summer feeding grounds in the north and journey south to Mexico to breed in the warm waters of Bahia Banderas (Puerto Vallarta Bay). Courtship rituals by males vying for the attention of a female include breaching - throwing two thirds or more of their bodies out of the water and splashing down on their backs - or tail-slapping, flipper-slapping, charging and parrying.
Females typically breed every two or three years. The gestation period is 11.5 months. Newborn calves are roughly the length of their mother's head. A 50-foot (15 m) mother would have a 20-foot (6.1 m) newborn weighing in at 2 metric tonnes. They are nursed by their mothers for approximately six months on mother's milk which is 50% fat, then they are sustained through a mixture of nursing and independent feeding for up to six months.
For an unforgettable experience take a whale-watching boat trip - see "ACTIVITIES/TOURS" - and view these colossus of the deep up close (adults range in length from 12-16 meres (40-50 ft) and weigh approximately 36,000 kilograms (79,000 lb). The females and her calves appear to enjoy this human interaction and frequently swim up to boat to view you too! You can hire a boat in Sayulita, Punta de Mita, or in Vallarta for this exciting excursion. In the Bahia Bandera all the boats work together with two-way radios to make sure that you see a whale on your trip.
Ballenas circa de Sayulita
Uno de los simples placeres de Sayulita tiempo es disfrutar de la relajante vista a lo largo de los océanos, y en esta época del año puede ser tratada a la vista de ballenas jorobadas.
Durante los meses de noviembre a febrero las ballenas abandonar su alimentación de verano en el norte y el sur de viaje a Mexico para reproducirse en las cálidas aguas de Bahía de Banderas. Los rituales de cortejo de los machos compiten por la atención de una mujer incluyen la violación - lanzando dos tercios o más de sus cuerpos fuera del agua y las salpicaduras en la espalda - o cola-bofetadas, bofetadas-aleta, la carga y brincando.
Las mujeres normalmente se reproducen cada dos o tres años. El período de gestación es de 11,5 meses. Terneros recién nacidos son más o menos la longitud de su madre la cabeza. A 50 pies (15 m), tendría una madre de 20 pies (6,1 m) en los recién nacidos de peso a 2 toneladas métricas. Ellos son atendido por sus madres durante aproximadamente seis meses en la leche materna que es de 50% de grasa y, a continuación, se mantienen a través de una mezcla de enfermería y de alimentación independiente para posiblemente seis meses más.
Una experiencia inolvidable para tener una observación de ballenas en barco - VER "ACIVITIES / TOURS" - y ver estos coloso de las profundidades de cerca (en el rango de longitud de los adultos 12-16 metros (40-50 pies) y pesa alrededor de 36.000 kilogramos ( 79.000 libras). Las hembras y sus crías parecen disfrutar de esta interacción humana y con frecuencia nadar hasta el barco para ver a nosotros! |
This weeks El Sayulero
By: Lindsay Walter
1. Name of interviewee: Noe Placencia Garza(The new town Judge/Delegate to serve in Sayulita)
1. Nombre del entrevistado: Noe Placencia Garza (El nuevo juez/delegado para servirle a la gente de Sayulita)
2. Birthdate/age: September 5th 1978, I am 30 years old.
2. Año de nacimiento/Edad: El 5 de Septiembre del ano 1978, tengo 30 anos.
3. Born in Sayulita? If not when did you first come to Sayulita? I was born in Tepic, Nayarit. My father was from Sayulita. My mother and I came to Sayulita because she was a teacher and first found work in San Pancho and then in Sayulita. I was 3 years old when we came to live in Sayulita.
3. Nació en Sayulita? Nací en Tepic, Nayarit. Mi padre era de Sayulita y mi madre y yo venimos a Sayulita porque era una maestra y encontró trabajo primero en San Pancho y luego aquí en Sayulita. Tenía 3 anos cuando nos mudamos a Sayulita.
4. Education level: I studied up to High School in La Cruz De Huanacaxtle. I studied primary school here in Sayulita and then Secondary school in Bucerias because there was still no secondary school here at that time. I would have liked to go on to study a career but there weren't as many opportunities at that time like there are now.
4. Nivel de educación: Estudie hasta la prepa en La Cruz De Huanacaxtle. Estudie la primaria aquí en Sayulita y luego la Secundaria en Bucerias porque todavía no había secundaria en Sayulita en aquel tiempo. Me hubiera gustado estudiar una carrera pero no había tantas oportunidades como hay ahora.
5. Family history & information: I live with my wife and two daughters. My parents have passed away and I have one brother who also lives here in Sayulita.
5. Vive con su familia?. Vivo con mi esposa y dos hijas. Mis papa fallecieron y tengo un hermano que vive aquí en Sayulita.
6. Employment/business history: I've worked with heavy machinery and operating trucks and machinery for most of my life. I own machinery and trucks I rent out. Before becoming the town delegate I was the auxiliary judge. I decided to participate in the elections for town delegate because I'd like to see more changes being made in the town to make it a better place. The process took two months of eliminations until finally one person is voted in as the contender representing the RED party which is myself and one person representing the GREEN party. Finally the town votes between the red and green party.
6. Empleo/Negocio/Ocupación: He trabajado con maquinera y operando camiones y maquineras. Soy propietario de camiones y maquineras y rento para viajes de grava y cosas así. Antes de llegar a ser el delegado, era el juez auxiliar. Decidí participar en las elecciones para el delegado del pueblo porque querría ver más cambios en el pueblo para lo mejor. El proceso tarda dos meses de eliminaciones hasta que solo quede una persona que representa la planilla roja, soy yo, y una persona que representa la planilla verde. Al final el pueblo vota entre la planilla roja y la planilla verde.
7. One positive change you have seen in Sayulita? The arrival of tourism has been positive in Sayulita. There are more jobs and opportunities for everyone and especially for Sayulita's youth. Years before there were very few jobs that people dedicated themselves to like construction and fishing. Now there are more people opening their own businesses, managing properties and working in tourism.
7. Algún cambio positivo que haya observado en Sayulita? La llegada de turismo ha sido positiva en Sayulita. Hay más trabajos y oportunidades para todos y en especial para los jóvenes de Sayulita. Hace unos anos había pocos trabajos a que la gente se dedicaba como la construcción y la pesca. Ahora hay mas personas iniciando sus propios negocios, administrando propiedades y trabajando en turismo.
8. One negative change you have seen in Sayulita? Anywhere that develops so quickly and grows will start to see negative changes as well. Negative changes for some are positive for others, like the drastic price increase in properties. The fishing industry has dropped. There are more crimes and petty theft and insecurity in the town. The people of Sayulita are good people and everyone in town used to be like family, but, now with so many people coming to Sayulita for jobs and moving here from all over, not everyone can be as easily trusted.
8. Algún cambio negativo que haya observado en Sayulita? Cualquier lugar que tiene mucho desarrollo y tanto crecimiento comenzara a ver cambios negativos. Cambios negativos para algunos son positivos para otros, como el aumento drástico en los precios de terrenos. La pesca ha caído. Hay mas delitos y robos y inseguridad en el pueblo. La gente de Sayulita es buena y antes todos en el pueblo eran como familia, pero, ahora con tanta gente que viene de afuera a trabajara y se mudan aquí de todos lados, pues no se puede confiar en todos.
9. How do you imagine Sayulita in 10 years? I am an idealist and I'd like to see my town change for the better with better and cleaner streets. Students can be prepared for more opportunities and better education. I'd like to see more sports and extra curricular activities for kids and hopefully as town delegate I now have the opportunity to reach these goals and help make Sayulita a better place.
9. Como imagina Sayulita en 10 anos? Soy idealista y me gustaría ver que mi pueblo cambia por lo mejor con mejores calles, mas limpio, estudiantes mas preparados para oportunidades y mejor educación. Me gustaría ver mas deportes y actividades para los niños y espero que como el delegado del pueblo ahora tenga la oportunidad de realizar estas metas y ayudar a Sayulita ser mejor.
10. Do you have a recommendation for the people of Sayulita? I believe Sayulita has been divided and that everyone needs to come together. Now that the elections for the red or green party are over, I think everyone needs to see Sayulita as one color. The color of Sayulita needs to be the color of unity.
10. Alguna recomanidación o comentario que quiera hacer a la gente de Sayulita? Creo que Sayulita ha estado dividido y que todos necesitan unirse. Ahora que la elecciones para la planilla roja o la planilla verde se han acabado, creo que todos necesitan darse cuenta que Sayulita solo tiene un color y ese color es el color de la unidad.
11. Other notes and/or comments? I'd like to mention that from January 1st to the 5th there will be a toy drive held in the plaza. There will be containers set up where everyone is encouraged to drop off any kind of toy or sports equipment for the children of Sayulita so that every child in Sayulita has a toy on Kings Day, an important day celebrated in Mexico. There is nothing better than seeing a child smile.
11. Otras notas y/o comentarios? Me gustaría anunciar que va a haber un juguetón durante las fechas del 1 hasta el 5 de enero en la plaza. Habrá contenedores ahí para que todos vengan a dejar cualquier tipo de juguete o equipo deportivo para los niños de Sayulita para que cada niño tenga un juguete este día de reyes, un día festivo muy importante que se celebra en México. No hay mejor recompensa que la sonrisa de un niño.
Interviewed by: Lindsay Walter lives in Sayulita full-time where she works as the office manager for Sayulita Investment Realty. (Email Lindsay) Escrito por: Walter Lindsay vive en Sayulita donde trabaja con Sayulita Investment Realty. (Email Lindsay)
(Please see other Sayulero Interviews in our NEWS section)
(Vea otras Sayulero Entrevistas en sección de NOTICIAS)
Villa en Paraiso for sale By Owner
$1.2 Million USD
Villa en Paraiso is a recently completed hillside villa overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The villa is just 300 feet from the ocean and right around the corner from the well known eco-resort, Costa Azul in the charming fishing village of San Pancho.
Click picture for more information, pictures, stats and owner contact.
Thanks for reading. Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.
| Webmaster
Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico